Friday, December 16, 2016

Retest Assignment for Mitosis

Retest assignment for Standards 7.LS.2a and 7.LS.2c
Understanding that cells divide as a result of mitosis and how mitosis is related to cancer.

Retest Assignment for Cells

Retest assignment for Cells - Standard 7.LS.5a, 7.LS.5b, 7.LS.5c,or 7.LS.5d
Understanding the functions of animal and plant cell organelles and diagramming animal and plant cells.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Mitosis Project

Students began working on their mitosis projects today in class. They are provided with one sheet of construction paper.  If they use their time wisely, this should NOT need to be homework.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Summative Retest

Summatives have been graded and students received them back today.
Retest assignments are available for students that need to retest.  All homework assignments MUST be completed also before any retest can be done. Students should have completed the cell city assignment and the cell organelle assignment.
Below is the retest assignment -

Monday, December 5, 2016

Cell Summative Tomorrow!!!

Cell Summative Tomorrow!!!
Students should know all of the cell membrane notes, organelle notes, and the cell diagrams.
Look back at the previous notes on the blog to study!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cell analogy projects due tomorrow

We have been working on cell analogy projects in class all week.
Students had to choose from 9 different organelles to compare to NJHS.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Cell Membrane notes

Cell Membrane Demonstration - Next Day

We looked at the cell membrane demonstration today.  The iodine had permeated through the baggie into the cornstarch.  This was evidenced by the purple color that showed that the iodine reacted with the starch.

Final Egg Observation

After soaking the egg in vinegar and then corn syrup, we put the egg in water over the weekend.  This is what the egg looked like today.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Cell Membrane Demonstration

We set up a demo today using cornstarch and iodine.  Students made a prediction about what they think will happen.

Egg Observation - 3

Today, we took the egg out of the vinegar and made our after observation.
The egg had clearly "deflated" from yesterday.  The liquid had a strong vinegar odor so we put food coloring in to see the difference between the liquid on top and the corn syrup.

We put the egg in water.  We will observe the egg again on Monday.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Egg Demonstration - Observation 2

We took the eggs out of the vinegar to find that the vinegar had begun to dissolve the shell.  The egg had begun to absorb the vinegar and increased in size.
We took the egg and placed it in a cup of corn syrup.  Students made a hypothesis about what they thought would happen to the egg in the corn syrup.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cellular Respiration Lab

Students discussed what cells need to live.  We discussed how cells need oxygen.  We did an activity to show how we breath out carbon dioxide.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Cell Membrane - Egg Demonstration

Today, we started an egg demonstration to show how the cell membrane works.
The students made observations and a prediction about what would happen to the shell of the egg when the egg was placed in vinegar.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cell lab with microscopes

Monday and Tuesday we looked at cells under the microscope.  We looked at onion cells (with and without stain), cheek cells, and blood cells.
Students have observed and can now understand that living things are made of cells.
 Onion cell without being stained

 Onion cell with Stain                 
 Blood cells                                 

 Cheek cells